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Kane Baranow

Kane Baranow


ASIC AR Number: 001295295

Kane is passionate about investment markets and plays a pivotal role at HWP, where he leads research activities. Joining HWP near inception, he values the relationships cultivated over the years, with a commitment to long-term financial success for clients.

e: kane.baranow@hamiltonwealth.com.au



Career Highlights

  • Two years of Asset Financing at a major bank and a boutique firm

Academic Qualifications

  • Master of Applied Finance, Monash University
  • Bachelor of Finance, LaTrobe University
  • Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning, Deakin University 

Professional Recognition

  • Senior Associate of FINSIA
  • Member of the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia

Recent Events & Webinars

Alicia Gregory, Drinks March 2024 – Sydney

Hamilton Wealth Partners & Maxima Private hosted Alicia Gregory, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Private Markets – Future Fund for drinks at Maxima Private in Sydney. Alicia discussed

Let’s Talk

If you’re ready to talk about how Hamilton Wealth could manage your wealth, please complete the form and we will be in touch, or call us on +61 3 9275 8888.